One question constantly comes up; What should the Cost Threshold for Parallelism be? The default value of 5 is pretty universally denigrated (well, not by Microsoft, but by most everyone else). However, what value should you set yours to?
What Do Your Plans Cost?
I have a question right back at you. What do your plans currently cost? Let’s say, for argument’s sake, that all your plans have an estimated cost (and all plan costs are estimates, let’s please keep that in mind, even on Actual plans) value of 3 or less. Do you need to adjust the cost threshold in this case? Probably not. But the key is, how do you look at the costs for your plans? Unfortunately, there isn’t a property in a DMV that shows this value. Instead, we have to query the XML:
WITH XMLNAMESPACES ( DEFAULT N'' ) , TextPlans AS (SELECT CAST(detqp.query_plan AS XML) AS QueryPlan, detqp.dbid FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS deqs CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan( deqs.plan_handle, deqs.statement_start_offset, deqs.statement_end_offset ) AS detqp ), QueryPlans AS (SELECT RelOp.pln.value(N'@EstimatedTotalSubtreeCost', N'float') AS EstimatedCost, RelOp.pln.value(N'@NodeId', N'integer') AS NodeId, tp.dbid, tp.QueryPlan FROM TextPlans AS tp CROSS APPLY tp.queryplan.nodes(N'//RelOp')RelOp(pln) ) SELECT qp.EstimatedCost FROM QueryPlans AS qp WHERE qp.NodeId = 0;
You can add other fields if you need to, but this query will return all the costs from the execution plans currently in cache.
Query Store
Does Query Store make this any easier? Not really. There isn’t a property that just shows the cost of the plans, so once again, we’re forced to query the xml:
WITH XMLNAMESPACES ( DEFAULT N'' ) , QueryStore AS (SELECT CAST(qsp.query_plan AS XML) AS QueryPlan FROM sys.query_store_plan AS qsp ), QueryPlans AS (SELECT RelOp.pln.value(N'@EstimatedTotalSubtreeCost', N'float') AS EstimatedCost, RelOp.pln.value(N'@NodeId', N'integer') AS NodeId, qs.QueryPlan FROM QueryStore AS qs CROSS APPLY qs.queryplan.nodes(N'//RelOp')RelOp(pln) ) SELECT qp.EstimatedCost FROM QueryPlans AS qp WHERE qp.NodeId = 0;
With these queries, you can get the values for the costs on your plans. This information can be used to determine how high you make your Cost Threshold for Parallelism setting based on actual knowledge. Just be cautious, this query can be quite expensive. The next step is to take these results and derive an average and a standard deviation. That’s where we’re going with the next blog post, using R to determine Cost Threshold for Parallelism.
Hey Grant,
You ever get this error running the script provided?
Msg 6335, Level 16, State 102, Line 1
XML datatype instance has too many levels of nested nodes. Maximum allowed depth is 128 levels.
Yep. That means you have a large plan that won’t fit within the XML data type. I’m actually not entirely sure how to eliminate that. It’s why they have the sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan DMF and why the data type for plans in Query Store is text, not XML.
Well it’s a kludge, but I got it to work by filtering the top query by the length of the plan text. I.e.
WHERE LEN(detqp.query_plan) < 380000
Seems that mine started to fail with this error around the 400,000 mark.
Yeah, that’s one way around it. Another mechanism would be to export everything to files and then use PowerShell to run xpath against the files. Not something I’ve tried, but I’m pretty sure it would work.
[…] the previous post, I showed how you can get full listings of your execution plan costs. Knowing what the values you’re dealing with for the estimated costs on your execution plans […]
[…] for Parallelism and it’s relationship to your execution plans, how to determine your execution plan cost, and even how to decide what value to set your Cost Threshold to. What I haven’t explicitly […]
[…] has been said, “that the default value of 5 is pretty universally denigrated” and “Cost Threshold For Parallelism Shouldn’t Be Set To 5“. Using Mr. […]
Interesting. But are the quantity of plans really useful for anything without knowing their execution counts? For example, lots of folks have plan cache pollution due to dynamic SQL strings, in which case it’d look like the vast majority of queries have something in common – but in reality, they’ve only been executed once. You might have just a single plan with a cost of, say, 10, and it was executed a bazillion times.
Sorry, pasted the wrong thing, the CROSS APPLY should be:
CROSS APPLY qp.queryplan.nodes(N’//StmtSimple’)RelOp(pln)
Of course, then calling it RelOp probably doesn’t make sense, but I’ve kept it here just for consistency.
Old thread is old, but I had to tell you that your modification DRAMATICALLY reduced the duration and cost of my statistics query. I’m assuming the Cross Apply on RelOp was returning records on every node, and retrieving the Estimated Cost (and, for me, the statement itself) from the single StmtSimple node was much more efficient.
Many thanks!
Happy to hear that Jeff’s modification helped.
I’ve been playing around with this, and one thing I’ve noticed is that sometimes the top-level RelOp node has an Id of 1, not 0.
I think potentially a better way of getting the same data is to use this for the CROSS APPLY:
CROSS APPLY qs.queryplan.nodes(N’//RelOp’)RelOp(pln)
… and then this for the SELECT:
SELECT RelOp.pln.value(N’@StatementSubTreeCost’, N’float’) AS EstimatedCost