I’ve spent five days struggling with this, but I finally have a custom performance collection up and running. The documentation available for Operations Manager 2007 (SCOM), especially for customization, especially for databases, is weak, and that’s being kind. However, there are some guys working hard out there to make a difference. If you need help, the System Center Forum is the place to go. In particular, this little ditty on using property bag objects finally cracked the code for me. The good news, I’m going to write this up in an article for Steve over at SQL Server Central. The better news, I can finally report progress in my daily stand-ups. Sheesh!
So glad we could help!
Hi Grant
Did you ever write that article? I couldn’t find it under your profile at SSC.
Yes, I did. It’s located here: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Operations+Manager/63041/
I hope it’s helpful.
Thanks Grant, I did see that one, and it will certainly be helpful. I think I misread this post then, was looking for articles etc specifically on collecting performance counters with SCOM – or would the same principle apply?
I’ve only just started looking into SCOM for SQL Server monitoring as we have been informed that this is what we *must* use – I’m floundering somewhat 🙂
Thanks again
Yeah, that’s the one. It says Operations Manager because Microsoft keeps changing the name. It’s for System Center Operations Manager (SCOM). Sorry for the confusion.
I know exactly how you feel regarding floundering. There just isn’t that much good information out there, especially info specific to SQL Server. The System Center forum, linked above, is really one of the best resources. Other than that, there are bits & pieces all over the place.