Query Tuning At PASS Data Community Summit

The all new, in-person, PASS Data Community Summit is in just a few weeks. Since I’m shortly going to be publishing a 100% rewritten book on query tuning, I decided to take a look at what kind of sessions on the topic are going to be available at the Summit.

Query Tuning With The Best

You can search through the published sessions here. I didn’t even bother typing in “query tuning”. Far too lazy. I just typed “query” and already saw some amazing stuff. In no particular order…

One of the people I’ve ALWAYS learned from, Kimberly Trip is delivering a precon, Indexing for Performance. That’s going to be a great day of good learning. Kim is insanely knowledgeable and a fantastic presenter. Well worth your time.

Erin Stellato, another person I’ve relied on for good knowledge, is doing a session Stabilizing Query Performance Without Changing Code. Yep, Query Store. From Erin Stellato. That is also going to be worth your time my friends.

PASS Summit is going to be a hybrid event. So some sessions will be online, with a live Q&A scheduled later. This session from Rodrigo Crespi is one of the online ones, Three Tips To Improve the Performance Of Your SQL Queries. I’m interested to see where he goes with this. Since it’s online, you’ll be able to watch it at your leisure, which is nice. Just don’t miss the live Q&A.

Another great one looks to be Monica Rathbun’s session: Execution Plans for Beginners: What I Wish I Knew, When. If you’re just getting started with query tuning, this is the kind of session you need. Tuning is a pain in the bottom, but when you learn to use the tools, like execution plans, the way a pro like Monica does, you’ll have a much easier time of it.


There are a whole bunch more query tuning sessions in there, by some of the best in the business. Heck, I even have session on Query Store that I’ll post about later. If you are just getting going with query tuning, this will help. If you’re a seasoned pro, trust me, there’s always more to learn, and PASS Data Community Summit is the place to go to get that learning.


It’s in person (for most sessions), so you can get Kimberly Trip to answer that performance question you’ve been dying to ask her. Same with a lot of other amazing people, as you see above.

So, get registered. You won’t be sorry.

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