YouTube Channel Update: 11 May 2018

I’ve been busy getting the videos up on YouTube. If they’re helpful to you, please subscribe. Some point soon I’ll start doing some livestreams, maybe from different events, or during a presentation. If you’re subscribed, you’ll know about it when it happens.


We’re getting closer and closer to when implementation of enforcement of the GDPR starts on the 25th of this month. Here’s something else to think about in regards to data mapping:

I find over and over that people really don’t understand what a deadlock is. I make an attempt at explaining it so that everyone can understand:

Have I mentioned the GDPR yet? Yeah, well, you’re also going to have to deal with data portability when dealing with the GDPR. Get your JSON queries ready:

Next week, I’m putting on an all day seminar on query tuning in NYC. Please register here:

Query tuning is so important, but people tend to get hung up a bit when trying to understand if their system is running slow. They get focused on one metric, sometimes one useless metric, and are missing the issues:

I know I keep repeating this, but I can’t help it, you guys keep arguing with me. All execution plans are estimated plans. Some execution plans have runtime metrics. Those are called actual plans. This video demonstrates that what I say is absolutely true:

That’s it. Remember, please subscribe.

2 thoughts on “YouTube Channel Update: 11 May 2018

  • The videos are great – but had a thought – as you do as a dba…in the dead on night…in a cold sweat!! 🙂 How do we go about auditing now in the world of GDPR? Tracking “Who” did “What” and “When” and “Where From” seems to be lots of stuff that is relevant to GDPR….

    • Thanks!

      Yeah, tons and tons to talk about around the GDPR and security auditing is a very good topic. Unfortunately, not something I’m strong at. I may address it some, but those are likely to be pretty lightweight videos.

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