Six Months!

Oh good gosh. Six months without a single blog post.

Most important information: I’m not dead.


The issue is pretty simple. I’m getting old. Ha!

Seriously though, I am suffering a bit from a lack of energy to do ALL the things and still maintain this blog. However, to hell with that. Time for a refresh.

Watch this space. I’m going to be cleaning it up. Changing a few things. Also, getting back to posting. I don’t think as many of the posts will be technical though. I’m going to start posting some leadership ideas and suggestions. I’ve been involved in community for a long time, and I want to see it keep going. I have received so much from the communities I’m involved with, I want to give back and support them going forward.

Additionally, it’s really important that we see new, and hopefully younger, people get involved. Yes, blogging is a medium for old farts like me, but it’s the medium I have to share within, so probably some more content around that.

And yeah, query tuning, execution plans, EXTENDED EVENTS!, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Database DevOps, all the good stuff.

Thanks for putting up with me and sorry about the hiatus.

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