RDS Connectivity

AWS, PostgreSQL, RDS
I travel quite a lot for work. Most of it is in the US and Europe, but I get around to other places as well. Most of the time, connectivity, while not the greatest, isn't that bad, or hard. I run a VPN on my phone and laptop. I can set up my RDS connectivity by getting whatever IP address I've been assigned, and I'm good to go. However, recently, for whatever reason, I could not make a connection to AWS RDS no matter what I tried. I even switched over to my phone. I dropped my existing database (which hurt, just a test database, but now I have to rebuild it). Nothing. I validated every single possible problem. I went through all the troubleshooting steps. Nothing. It's Nice to…
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AWS RDS PostgreSQL Restore to a Point in Time

AWS, PostgreSQL, RDS
One of the single biggest reasons to go with a Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering like AWS RDS are the things it does for you, like making it really easy to restore to a point in time. Let's take a look at it. Restore to a Point in Time When connect up to the console and look at your databases, all you have to do is select the "Maintenance and Backups" tab to get details on what backups are being taken: That's the basics of what's happening with your backups. However, you can get more detail by choosing the "Automated Backups" page on the left: And now you see all the information about the backups. But the real magic to restore to a point in time is over on…
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Data Technology Learning Resources

AWS, Azure, Database Fundamentals, PostgreSQL, SQL Server
Hey all! Quick one here. Tracy Boggiano, awesome person that she is, has put together an interesting collection of data over on GitHub. It's titled DBA Resources, but it goes beyond DBAs. It's much more about the different data platforms on display. And, it's in Github. Create a pull request and you can add to it. Get your own blog on there, whatever. Anyhoo, worth a look. I'm going to do some contributions. Oh, AND, it's multi-platform, cause, isn't everything these days.
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Restore AWS RDS Databases On-Premises

AWS, RDS, SQL Server, Uncategorized
Did you know that you can restore AWS RDS databases to a SQL Server 2022 instance running locally using native backup and restore? Well you can. Let's talk about it. Why S3? So, why put backups on S3 at all? Two big reasons. Let's say you're mostly, or strictly, on-premises with your servers. You can use S3 storage on AWS as a way to get your backups offsite. I just recently tried to help someone in the forums who was taking backups, but not testing them in any way, only to find that their local storage had become corrupted and when they needed the backup, it wasn't there. First, of course, they should be testing their backups. However, in addition, they should have moved the backup to an offsite location.…
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What Happens On AWS RDS?

I was talking with some developers from my team about monitoring, and I said, "We all use the same tools," referring to other monitoring software. Then, it hit me. How is AWS collecting monitoring data on it's RDS servers, specifically, the SQL Server instances. So, I set out to determine what happens on AWS RDS when it comes to the native monitoring. The Setup This part should be as obvious as it is easy. I'm going to use Extended Events. I've written before about how AWS RDS supports Extended Events, so I won't repeat all that here. I'll just leave you with the session I'm running to see what happens on AWS RDS: CREATE EVENT SESSION [ExEventTesting] ON SERVER ADD EVENT sqlserver.rpc_completed, ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_batch_completed ADD TARGET package0.event_file (SET filename…
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AWS RDS Restore To A Point In Time

AWS, PostgreSQL, RDS
The single most important part of backups are not backups. The single most important part of backups are restores. It doesn't matter a lick if you have 100, flawless backups of your database if you can't restore one of them. So, let's get started and talk about how perform an RDS restore. RDS Restore I'm going to use the portal because I like how GUIs allow me to easily illustrate what I'm doing. However, I'll probably do another post soon on how to use the command line to do this. That is the better approach in most cases. If you connect up to a database within RDS, you get a menu, Actions: Right there, near the bottom is what we're looking for, Restore to point in time. Clicking on this…
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AWS RDS Backups

AWS, PostgreSQL, RDS
One of the things I love the most about Platform as a Service when it comes to data is the fact that you get RDS backups, built in. Go to the forums. Evidently, backups are one, or more, of the following:a) insanely difficult, so no one does themb) not considered important so no one does themc) not necessary in modern systems because of X technology so no one does them Then, someone deletes a row the business wants back. Someone drops a table. Someone drops a database. Then you find that one, or more, of the following is true:a) no one has ever tried to restore from X technology and you can'tb) come to find out, X technology doesn't really do backupsc) backups are still fundamental to protecting data Enter,…
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Learning PostgreSQL: The Tools

AWS, PostgreSQL, RDS
In case you don't know, I've been writing a series of articles over on Simple-Talk as I learn PostgreSQL. It's all from the point of view of a SQL Server person, expanding into a new technology. In other words, a true story. I thought I'd take a moment here on my own blog to talk about the tools I'm using and why I chose those. AWS RDS Let's establish up front, I'm lazy. Very lazy. So yeah, I'm trying to learn this new technology, but I'm going to find as many ways to use the knowledge, skills & tools I already have as I can. Now, I first started learning PostgreSQL because I wanted to learn more about how Flyway works. Further, as I also needed to learn how to…
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Extended Events in AWS RDS

For the longest time, we didn't have one of the most useful tools for monitoring SQL Server behavior, but I just found out that, indeed, you can use Extended Events in AWS RDS. I'm not waiting around. Let's see it in action. Setup For Extended Events in AWS RDS AWS has posted the documentation on what you have to do in order to enable the collection of Extended Events within RDS. Normallly, I'd follow along with the documentation. However, I'm going to approach this like I knew that Extended Events support was there, but I wasn't aware of the docs. So, I'm starting in SSMS and I'm just going to try plugging in the Extended Events GUI to see what happens. Further, I'm going to use the simplest method for…
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The Learning Curve for DevOps

AWS, Azure, DevOps
If you're attempting to implement automation in and around your deployments, you're going to find there is quite a steep learning curve for DevOps and DevOps-style implementations. Since adopting a DevOps-style release cycle does, at least in theory, speed your ability to deliver better code safely, why would it be hard? Why is there a Learning Curve for DevOps? I recently did a presentation on a simple Continuous Integration process. Here are the tools that I used in the demo: Local Git repositoryVS CodeAzure Data StudioAWS CodeCommitAWS CodePipelineAWS CodeBuildAWS RDS PostgreSQLShell commandsYAMLDockerFlyway Also, I regularly present using Azure DevOps Pipelines too. Here's the list of tools that might be in a given demo: Local Git RepositoryVS CodeAzure Data StudioAzure Git RepositoryAzure DevOps PipelineAzure DevOps AgentRedgate DeployAzure SQL DatabaseYAMLPowerShelltSQLt While there…
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