Victims of Success

PASS, Professional Development
I took part in the PASS Summit 2014 selection committee this year because I was really curious about seeing how the sausage gets made. I've seen how actual sausage gets made and I still eat sausage.  Despite a few hiccups and communication issues, internal and external, I think the selection process for the Summit went really well this year. But, there was still some controversy. Being a naturally pushy person, I got involved in the controversy, for good or ill, and subsequently have had conversations with many people about the selection process (which, reiterating, I think went extremely well overall). But, the one thing that kept coming up over and over was a simple question: How come I/PersonX didn't get picked? The easy answer is because you/PersonX had a horrible abstract. But you…
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Execution Plan Details

I wouldn't say it's common knowledge that you should look at execution plans when tuning queries, but it's not exactly uncommon knowledge either. But, people tend to get focused on just looking at the graphical part of the plan and there's just not enough information there. Let's take a look at a query: SELECT pc.Name, ps.Name, v.Name, pr.ReviewerName, p.Name, v.ModifiedDate, p.Color FROM Production.Product AS p LEFT JOIN Production.ProductReview AS pr ON pr.ProductID = p.ProductID JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory AS ps ON p.ProductSubcategoryID = ps.ProductSubcategoryID JOIN Production.ProductCategory AS pc ON pc.ProductCategoryID = ps.ProductCategoryID JOIN Purchasing.ProductVendor AS pv JOIN Purchasing.Vendor AS v ON v.BusinessEntityID = pv.BusinessEntityID ON pv.ProductID = p.ProductID WHERE v.ModifiedDate = '2006-02-17 00:00:00.000' AND p.Color LIKE 'Y%'; This generates an execution plan that looks like this: Neither v.ModifiedDate nor p.Color have indexes.…
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Reflections on the 2014 PASS Summit Selection Process

PASS, Professional Development
Oh we are a bunch of high school kids at heart. Maybe high school never ends (and there's a nightmare, god I hated high school). But, there's been drama about the 2014 PASS Summit sessions and the Selection Committee's work. I was on the committee. I worked as a part of the team responsible for rating sessions for the Azure track (said track is gone, more on that later). As self-serving a statement as this is, I think we did a good job. Further, I think the process worked. You can read the official explanation of the process here. Amy did great work and deserves your thanks. All the volunteers who reviewed over 900 submissions from more than 300 people, ON THEIR OWN TIME, FOR FREE, also deserve your thanks. The vitriol directed at…
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I know I tend to be overly passionate. It's something that has gotten me into trouble in the past. It's also probably a huge factor in the things I've been able to accomplish in life. I'm bringing it up at this time because I think passion is causing some conflict within the community around the Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS). On the 25th of June just past the announcements went out for the sessions accepted at the PASS Summit 2014. I found this stressful and exciting two ways. First, and for me personally, most importantly, because I had submitted several sessions and I desperately wanted to speak at the PASS Summit (I've spoken there every year since 2008 and I've made the Top 10 sessions two years in a row,…
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I’m a Traveling Man

PASS, Redgate Software
We are coming into quite a busy time for my speaking schedule. I'm hitting the road. It does one thing for me that I truly love, I get to talk to people. So, if you have questions, want to chat, need to call me a pompous know-it-all to my face, I've got some opportunities for you. Next week, April 13-16, is SQL Intersection. You can register by clicking here. The following week, I've got two events. First, on Friday April 25th, Red Gate Software is hosting a free half day SQL in the City Seminar in the Chicago area. We'll be talking database deployment all day. Go here to register, but don't wait, seats absolutely are limited. And, since this is a Red Gate event, at the end of the…
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PASS DBA Virtual Chapter Talk

Azure, PASS
I almost forgot to tell you about the Database Administration Virtual Chapter meeting next week, March 26th, 2014. I'll be doing a talk about query tuning in Windows Azure SQL Database. It's a talk I've given before (it was in the top 10 at the PASS Summit last year). Come find out why you'll need to tune queries in WASD, the tools you get, and the glorious fact that you'll actually be actively saving your business money by tuning queries! Click here now to register.
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SQL Saturday: You can’t have it all.

SQL Saturday's are awesome! Let's get that clear up front. The organizers of SQL Saturday events are glorious individuals. Let's get that clear too. I want to be up front about those things because, well, I'm going to be critical. First though, I want to establish my bona fides for what I'm about to say. I helped organize two SQL Saturday events and two other local events before those. I also help Red Gate Software run half-day seminars all over the country. So, I have some idea what goes into the organizational side of these things. I've presented at eleven SQL Saturday events in just the last year. I'm on the schedule for, I think, 6 more between now and August. So, I think I have some idea what it's…
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Thank You!

Azure, PASS
I am humbled and honored (and more than a little horrified) to be on this list of the Best of PASS Summit 2013. I mean look at those names. Every single one is a person I look up to and respect and learn from constantly. How I made a list like this... well, thanks. I appreciate the support and kindness that was shown at the PASS Summit when you filled out your evals. Oh, and while I realize intellectually and SQL skill-wise he totally kicks my behind... Neener, neener Conor. You're in the DBA track and I'm the only one in the top 10 in the Cloud track. By the gods, I'm going to pay for that, but it'll be worth it.
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PASS Summit 2013: Women In Technology Luncheon

This year I was invited to attend the Women In Technology luncheon as a blogger. So I'll be live-blogging it through it in the same way as I did the keynote. The WIT lunches are a fascinating, and let's face it, unique PASS-style event, that have been taking place for years at the PASS Summit. It's about growth and empowerment for women within technology. But, it's not some crazy man-bashing event. It's just another, special, way to network (that thing that PASS does so well). Panelists are Cindy Gross, Gail Shaw, Kevin Kline, Rob Farley and Erin Stellato. Mickey Steuwe is acting as moderator. The theme is Beyond Stereotypes: Equality, Gender Neutrality, and Valuing Diversity is the theme. The first question: "Do you have to make an effort to fit…
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PASS Summit 2013 Day 2 Key Note

KILT DAY! Today we have to eat our vegetables and then get lots and lots of sweet desert. Or. Today we hear about PASS Finances as a part of the official annual meeting and then we get to hear Dr. David Dewitt speak (completely and utterly getting our nerd on and squeeing like teenage girls at a Bieber concert). I will be live-blogging this event, so watch this space. 8:20: Douglas McDowell kicks off the key note today.  the vast majority of the money that runs PASS comes from the Summit. That's right, by attending the Summit you're also supporting the organization. The Business Analytics Conference, which kicked off this year also provides quite a bit more money to the organization. 8:25: PASS has changed its budgeting process. At this…
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