One Thing You Wish You Knew While Learning PostgreSQL: PGSqlPhriday #006
I will not even attempt to hide it, I'm very much in the learning phase of my PostgreSQL journey. As such, I'm constantly picking up new facts. However, I'm interested in that one thing that you wish someone had told you. That tiny bit of "AH HA!!!" information that you have now, but it took you a while to find. Just that teeniest, tiniest slice of the behavior of PostgreSQL that proved to be a game-changer for you. In short, help me and all the others out there trying to learn this stuff. Make learning PostgreSQL just a little bit faster & easier for us. Please. Why am I asking? Because this is all a part of #PGSqlPhriday 006. What is #PGSqlPhriday and how do I participate? As to what…