PASS Board Elections

Well, the word is out.  Of the six people running, I know five, four of them reasonably well. I can only vote for three of them. Here's the deal guys, I'm voting for all of you. That's right, each and every one of you gets a vote from me. I visited Chicago once, I think I can manage it. Tom, Lynda, Pat, Louis, Andy, and the other guy, best of luck. But, if you're reading this and wondering who you should vote for, I will supply two names that you must vote for. It's up to you to figure out the third (fourth & fifth if you're following the Chicago method with me). In no particular order: Because I think he really can lead positive change in this great organization, I…
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VSTSDBE GDR RC0: No Joy in Mudville

PASS, Tools, Visual Studio
A few posts ago I outlined the problems I was having getting the RC0 of the GDR to deploy appropriately. I was successful in a deployment, so I thought I was done. Yesterday I went to do a run through of the presentation for PASS and my deploy failed. Despite the fact that I'm running on the same machine with the same project that worked before. I've now gone back through the whole process again, but I'm getting nothing but failures. It's totally hosed. At this point, barring a miracle, I'm going to present the process and then explain that I can't demo it because of failures. I don't know if it's just a configuration issue with my virtual machine or something flawed in the release. Either way, I'm at…
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Still more on Andy Warren and the Pass Board

This sounds like it might have been an interesting phone call. Just the sound of it points out why I think Andy would be a great addition to the board (along with someone else I know. I'll start lobbying for him when I find out whether or not he's on the ballot this year). He has ideas. Now, I don't mind working. I'll certainly pitch in and help out. I even lead efforts. I don't have ideas. Andy clearly does. If no other concept stood out, the ninety days & out approach to trying out some new stuff in PASS sounded like a great idea. It would have been interesting to listen in to the phone call. I'm also impressed with the method of vetting people for the board. I…
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PASS Summit

The PASS Summit starts with the pre-conference seminars in just a week. For anyone interested, I'll be blogging once a day from the Summit. I won't be naming names from any of the drunken revels, so you'll need to go elsewhere for that information. As you can see from the side-bar, I'm presenting this year. If you're attending the Summit, please see my session. I'll be going over how to use the Visual Studio Team System Database Edition to deploy to multiple environments. Yes, it sounds a bit dull but if you need to use the tool, I think you'll find the session very helpful. I'm going on Tuesday from 3:00 to 4:15PM. I was competing with Gert Drapers, but it looks like things have changed and it's going to be…
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More on Andy Warren’s PASS Board Application

He's continuing to post about it, so I'm going to keep linking to it. I may be able to drive a hit or two his way. See, Andy already provided a service for the community. I had no idea how the nominees were selected. Now we at least have a sense of some of the inner-workings and it's interesting stuff. Not too much of that "inside baseball" tang either.
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Tools, Visual Studio
Second round of testing. Instead of associating with a project, I tried creating a reference to a .dbschema file. Same error. This time, I'm going to clear out everything. I tried creating it initially on top of the code from CTP 17. So, another chance to try out the reverse engineer process of "Import Database Schema." Works great. New AdventureWorks database inside Visual Studio with a tested deployment faster than you can spit. Created a new server project. Added a login, just to give it something to do. It deployed fine. On to the compound project. Let's see what happens. Just to see, I did a build and deploy before I added references or objects or anything. It worked great. Whatever that means. I'm taking it a step at a…
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nHibernate, Tools
There is no joy in Mudville. The install of RC0 went smoothly. I was able to create a new server project and deploy it. I was able to reverse engineer AdventureWorks into a new project and deploy that. When I went to create a new compound project, combining the output from the two... deployment failed. I got an arcane error about something in the Microsoft.Data.Schema.SchemaModel.ModelSerializationException erroring out. Useful. So, at this point, the functionality I had in my demo for the PASS Summit isn't working. Yikes. I've got two weeks... no pressure... I posted a note about it over at the MSDN discussion site. If you have a solution, swing by and drop it off.
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Great Article on DBA-Developer Conflict

nHibernate, Object Relational Mapping, T-SQL
What a great way to phrase the issue. I love the concept of the people-people impedence mismatch. We're going through it pretty regularly where I work. Our developers are convinced that using an ORM tool, in this case nHibernate, they're eliminating all the problems with the database because they're taking complete control of the database through nHibernate. All code will be on their side of the fence, no more messy stored procedures. All data structures will look like their objects, no more having to figure out those silly JOINS. Best of all, by setting all this up, no more messing with those stupid and obnoxious DBA's. Unfortunately, they're still planning on object persistance (don't call it data storage) inside of a SQL Server database... Um, guys, you haven't eliminated a…
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Tools, Visual Studio
I've downloaded and started the install. The first screen I'm seeing is not filling me with confidence. The executable that is currently running is called "DBProRepair.exe" However, the installed completed without any issues. Just for giggles, I tried opening my PASS presentation (created on CTP 17). If it worked, I wouldn't have to recode. Ah, well, no joy. Not that I expected any. Oh, but the Conversion Report that comes up afterwards is very informative. Reverse engineer against the AdventureWorks2008 database went off without a hitch. All the objects imported into the database with no issues too. So far, so good. Created all the projects. No issues. I'm configuring for a deployment now. We'll see how that goes. Builds worked fine. I forgot to change the deploy action the first…
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