Visual Studio Team System Database Edition GDR RC

Tools, Visual Studio
I'm a bit late to notice this, but Gert Drapers announced on Monday that the release candidate for VSTSDBE, or good ole VSDB as I've decided to call it, is now available. I figured they'd do something during the Professional Developers Conference (where supposedly a new printing of my book was being given out). Now I need to get on the stick & upgrade my virtual... maybe. According to the post, functionality hasn't changed. Maybe I should just leave everything alone on my machine until after PASS... Nah! I'll post progress for the uninstall, the install and the recreation of the compound project.
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Procedure Cache and Dynamic Management Views

SQL Server, T-SQL
I'm just going through the chapter on the procedure cache in the new book and I'm having a blast playing with the dynamic management views and functions that let you access the procedure cache. It's just too much fun and way too easy to get detailed information about the queries in the system, not like the old days. First, you can access the cache itself with the DMV, sys.dm_exec_cached_plans. This shows some of the data describing the plan in cache, but most importantly it provides the plan_handle. You need this for other joins later. You can also use sys.dm_exec_query_stats to get aggregated performance statistics about the plan. It also has the plan_handle and two things new to SQL Server 2008, the query_hash and the query_plan_hash, also known as query fingerprints.…
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After much discussion in a set of emails between some of the more dangerous people that attend the PASS conference, I've decided to create a Twitter account. I created it under my name for the time being. I may blow it up later & go with something else. I'm not sure. I still don't quite get the point of this one, but I'm hooked in now. If you're interested in "following" me (like I could lead you anywhere), click here.
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Andy Warren for PASS Board?

Andy posted the question more than a week ago. I need to pay more attention to his blog. In my opinion, the answer isn't yes and it isn't hell yes. It's **** YES! For cryin' out loud! I totally respect his feelings of being overwhelmed and busy. I'm there too. I've completely overcomitted, so I understand. But Andy Warren just strikes me as one of those really smart, capable guiys. You know who they are. They walk in to situations and things just improve. I think he can do two things, only one of which I could do. I think he'll help PASS deliver on it's promise, working with the other board members. I also think he's likely to have a few good ideas (something I'm extremely short on) that…
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Amazingly Stupid Query

I have to share this one. I'm working on a set of queries, tuning them. They're all following a similar pattern. They're passing in XML data sets which are then shredded into a temporary table. Once that's done, the temp table is used in a series of joins to other tables to return the data. Some of the queries were missing indexes, some were structured a bit poorly, but overall, it was pretty standard stuff. Until... I ran a query that looked, at first glance, the same as the rest. When I looked at the execution plan, I saw a warning symbol, one of those little exclamation points on an operator. I figured, based on the other issues with this database, that it was just some out of date or…
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SQL Server 2008 PowerShell Mini-Shell

I went right back to working on learning PowerShell after the last blog post. I no more than get started when I stumble across the explanation for the mini-shell used by SQL Server 2008. It makes sense and should be read. I still don't know enough about how PowerShell works to get all miffed over Microsofts (minor?) error, but I'm glad that they're aware of the dirt they kicked up.
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Learning PowerShell in SQL Server 2008

This blog post is pretty interesting.   SQL Server 2008 comes with sqlps.exe, which is what this guy is ranting about.   To get around it, you can do this. Open the regular powershell command prompt. Run this:   notepad $profile   This opens up the profile used by PowerShell under your login. Now you can add these lines and save the file:   add-pssnapin SqlServerProviderSnapin100 add-pssnapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin100   You should now be able to run SQL Server commands through the regular PowerShell prompt. Depending on how you configure and run Powershell, you may also have to add those lines to scripts you create.   I may not have this quite right. I'm still learning. Here's a suggestion that I should be updating the console file? He's solving the…
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SQL Server 2005 SP3

SQL Server
It looks like it's on schedule for an RSN release (Real Soon Now). For those who can't wait, the latest cumulative update, #10, is available for SQL Server 2005. If you don't know, the cumulative updates are a collection of all the small hot fixes and patches that have been issued by Microsoft over a period of time. Instead of tracking them all down individually, you can get the cumulative update and install it.
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