Search Results for: live data

Extended Events, the system_health Session, and Waits

I advocate for, use, document, teach, and just downright love, Extended Events. They are so much better than the old Trace Events (aka, Profiler) that it's sometimes difficult to keep from just gushing. Let's talk about a common situation that you're going to run into on your servers all the time and how you can put Extended Events to work to help you, without actually doing any work at all. What's that? Be lazy and get rewards? Yes. The Extended Events system_health Session On your servers, any of them that are SQL Server 2008 or newer, right now, unless you've performed actions to prevent this, you're running the Extended Events system_health session. It's just happening, currently, on all your servers. Nothing you need to do about it at all. I'll…
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Get That Profiler Feel in Extended Events

I know. You love Profiler. I hear you. You're wrong, but that's OK. Kidding... mostly. Unfortunately though, I think a lot of what passes for issues and problems with Extended Events is actually a lack of knowledge about how they work. Let's take an example and run with it. No Grid in Extended Events One of the pushbacks I hear about using Extended Events is that the Live Data GUI just doesn't have that neat Profiler grid output. Instead you see a list of events in the top pane and then you have to look at the details in the bottom pane. It looks like this out of the gate: You're right. That's a royal pain. That's it. Toss Extended Events. Back to Profiler. Well, hang on a second. Let's…
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Extended Events and Profiler: XE Profiler

There's a war on in the SQL Server world. On the one side is Profiler (although, really, everyone uses Trace Events). On the other, the "new" (they came out in 2008 with a full GUI in 2012, so...) Extended Events. Lots of people have picked sides on this, including Microsoft. New Trace Events There are none. All the new functionality of every sort from Availability Groups to Query Store to R & Python, have Extended Events created for them. Trace Events, and the technologies supporting them in the form of Profiler, are a dead end. Don't fear. While Trace is on the deprecation list, there doesn't appear to be any fear of that technology being removed completely. At least it won't be removed in the foreseeable future. A future which,…
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Use Your Voice

If you want more of a career and less of a job, one thing you will have to do is learn to use your voice. I mean this on multiple levels, so let's talk about it. Volume, Tone & All That Stuff When I say "learn to use your voice," one of the things I mean is that you will need to spend some time learning how to literally, physically, speak. It takes some practice to understand how to increase your volume so people can hear it you without actually shouting. If you have to speak for an hour or more, controlling tone and volume does take time to learn. I know people who can't talk long without hurting their vocal cords. If you're one of those people, track down…
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PGSQL Phriday #009: On Rollback

The invitation this month for #PGSqlPhriday comes from Dian Fay. The topic is pretty simple, database change management. Now, I may have, once or twice, spoken about database change management, database DevOps, automating deployments, and all that sort of thing. Maybe. Once or twice. OK. This is my topic. I've got some great examples on taking changes from the schema on your PostgreSQL databases and then deploying them. All the technical stuff you could want. However, I don't want to talk about that today. Instead, I want to talk about something really important, the concept of rollbacks when it comes to database deployments. Why Are Rollbacks Difficult? The entire purpose of your PostgreSQL database is to persist, that is to store, the data. Then, of course, offer up a way…
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How Does SELECT * Affect Query Store?

I live for questions and recently, I had someone ask me, does using SELECT * affect Query Store. My immediate gut reaction was, hell no. Of course it doesn't. Then, yeah, I started thinking. It might. Let's test it and see. The Setup The trick here is to get a good setup. I need a query that's... interesting. Meaning, I need the query to do more than just SELECT * from a table. Although, let's start there: SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers AS c; GO 20 I ran it several times so that it will, for sure, get captured by Query Store (when on Auto, in 2022, one execution of a query may not be enough to see it captured by QS). Then, I took a look at the plan: SELECT…
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Check Every Metric

Recently, a person asked about the costs differences in an execution plan, referencing them as if they were performance measures. The key to understanding performance is to check every metric. When it comes to execution plans, I'm sure I've said this before, so please allow me to repeat myself. The cost numbers shown in an execution plan, which, barring a recompile, will be the same for an execution plan or an execution plan with runtime metrics (aka, estimated and actual plans), are not measures of performance. They do not represent actual metrics. Instead, they are calculations of a theoretical actual performance measurement. So, you can't look at two plans, with two costs, and say, "this plan will perform better." Instead, you can say, "this plan has a lower estimated cost."…
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Thank You Kevin!

I don't think I'm going too far out on a limb to call Kevin Kline a friend. I'm extremely humbled and honored that I can say that. Kevin is just a good person. Thanks, Kevin. Years ago, on a guess, about 12-13, I was talking with Tom LaRock, another great guy, and we both said, "Damn, I wish I had Kevin's job". Kevin has been an evangelist/advocate for a few different organizations over the years. Within a year, Tom did. About another year after that, so did I. However, Kevin lead the way. He showed us what a good advocate looked like. Thanks Kevin. I wouldn't have my outstanding job if it weren't for you showing me how. Kevin was also one of the founding members of what was the…
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The Learning Curve for DevOps

If you're attempting to implement automation in and around your deployments, you're going to find there is quite a steep learning curve for DevOps and DevOps-style implementations. Since adopting a DevOps-style release cycle does, at least in theory, speed your ability to deliver better code safely, why would it be hard? Why is there a Learning Curve for DevOps? I recently did a presentation on a simple Continuous Integration process. Here are the tools that I used in the demo: Local Git repositoryVS CodeAzure Data StudioAWS CodeCommitAWS CodePipelineAWS CodeBuildAWS RDS PostgreSQLShell commandsYAMLDockerFlyway Also, I regularly present using Azure DevOps Pipelines too. Here's the list of tools that might be in a given demo: Local Git RepositoryVS CodeAzure Data StudioAzure Git RepositoryAzure DevOps PipelineAzure DevOps AgentRedgate DeployAzure SQL DatabaseYAMLPowerShelltSQLt While there…
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Announcing: AWS Community Builders

I'm excited to be able to announce that the AWS Community Builders, a new program for those who help out with AWS technologies, has been launched. You can read the details here. I'm also excited to announce that I'm one of the first set of Builders in this new community. Building AWS Community Builders As I've worked to add AWS to my toolbox, both in the DevOps area and in the data management area, I've been impressed with the technology. I've also been impressed with the help you can get on it out on the interwebs. However, there wasn't any kind of organizing force behind the community. Different people were posting various things, but it was unclear how to tell who had a real finger on the pulse. AWS reached…
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